Helping business navigate through stressed environments
Yesrej provides an end to end business turnaround service. We specialise in whole life cycle corporate turnarounds from:
crises stabilisation
leadership team work
enlisting stakeholder support
aligned strategic focus
end to end management of the necessary organisational change
Each turnaround is unique and brings its own challenges, be those cultural, geographic or a patch-work of resource constraints. We work with our clients to tailor the generic aspects of turnaround to the client need.
Crisis Management
Quickly controlling stressful environments and rolling out remediation programmes
Working with Boards to ensure governance arrangements are fit for purpose
Business analysis
Analysing the business to establish the root cause facts
Realising strategic vision by aligning the people, the data and processes to common goals
Data protection
Adding value by adopting responsible data management practices
Identifying scope, planning for outcomes and governing project resources to deliver tangible results

Stage 1 - Trigger event

Early intervention is key to successfully managing a business turnaround. When an event occurs that tips a business into severe distress, rapid but responsible steps must be put in place.
Stage 2 - Remediation and transformation

Negative stress within a business needs to be converted into positive energy. Backlog remediation work must be ring-fenced and appropriately managed.
Stage 3 - Establish control and return to business as usual

People, processes, data and technology issues must be measured and managed. Business turnaround work done needs to be seamlessly linked to business as usual.
Stage 4 - Continuous improvement

Following a successful business turnaround, where solid foundations have been laid, process improvement and efficiency projects can be addressed.


Mary, the founder and CEO of Yesrej Limited is an experienced turnaround and strategic change management professional.
She is an FCCA qualified accountant and senior business analyst with over 20 years of wide-ranging experience across businesses from fledgling start-ups to large multinationals, private equity and public sector bodies.
Mary has a sensitive appreciation of the needs of stakeholders and a calm and controlled approach to solving practical problems.

www: the-ift.com
Yesrej works with a range of specialist businesses and can call upon their resources in response to client engagement needs.
Yesrej also works closely with fellow accredited members of the Institute for Turnaround. IFT members act in an advisory capacity for technical questions across a very wide range of industries and disciplines.